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Does your remote learning experience pass the test?

Worldwide, 39% of people are learning online more today than they were before COVID-19. We surveyed 5,000 people across the globe, and our research reveals a permanent shift in student behavior and expectations.

Teaching over live video
Deliver quality and reliable remote learning

Off-the-shelf video conferencing tools are just a start

How can institutions build immersive, collaborative video experiences for students everywhere?

Communication preferences in education
Omnichannel experiences are the expectation

Live video is only one part of the remote learning journey

Educators must create consumer-centric experiences across every touchpoint and on all of their students’ favorite channels. From lesson reminders, study tips, feedback, and results—our data shows just how wildly student communication preferences vary.


Have you read our full 10th Annual Global Customer Engagement Report yet?


Get practical solutions to today’s biggest CX hurdles in education

Download our student engagement insights to learn how Vonage APIs can help you reach students anywhere, and set you up with a high-quality and customer-centric remote learning experience for a changed world. Here's what you'll find:

  • 4 key student CX insights and challenges revealed from our research
  • Communications APIs solutions to meet those challenges
  • A scorecard of student channel preferences across the globe

Download now

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Durch das Übermitteln Ihrer Informationen erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, von uns telefonisch und per E-Mail hinsichtlich Ihres Interesses an unseren Produkten und Leistungen kontaktiert zu werden. Wir verarbeiten Ihre Daten gemäß unserer Datenschutzrichtlinie.