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The Last GDPR Blog You Ever Have to Read (…for now)

This article was published on August 9, 2021

Nexmo has always taken privacy and security seriously and we’ve incorporated this approach not only into our products but into our company culture. Regardless of where you are in your GDPR plans, you can be assured the use of the Nexmo platform will help you get closer to GDPR readiness.

We want to take the opportunity to announce a few tools that can help your business prepare not only for GDPR but also achieve the required standard of customer privacy and security regardless of compliance mandates. We asked ourselves: what would make compliance easier when using a communication platform?

The following is a list of products and features that serve specific privacy and security use case needs. If you ever have any questions on how the products or features work, or how to deploy them specific to how you use the Nexmo platform, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Redact API

GDPR requires that data controllers comply with a data subject’s legitimate request to erase his or her personal data. When our Nexmo customers receive erasure requests, they can now redact personal data from their account by providing a specific message or call ID. The Redact API will then redact the phone number and message body for that specific transaction. This product is intended to be used on a case-by-case basis if/when you need to redact a specific message or call. The Redact API is free and you can register for access here.

Auto Data Redaction

This account feature automatically redacts all personal data for a specific account. This enables enterprises to more simply manage their data privacy needs without any additional software development. Auto Data Redaction is a feature that is included in The Nexmo Enterprise Plan. If you have any questions please contact sales for more information.

Audit Event API

The Audit API enables your organization to build SIEM alerts and access real-time information on user activities and events within your accounts. You can sign-up for early access here.

Access Control

Speaking of user privacy and restrictions, if you don’t already actively manage your users on the Nexmo dashboard, now would be a great time to get started! To make sure your users have the appropriate restrictions applied to their accounts, login to and on the left-hand panel of the screen click your name (or company name) and select users:

When you see a list of your users, select edit (the pencil icon) under the Manage section:

You’ll be presented with a list of restrictions you can customize per user:

Other GDPR Relevant Resources

If you have further questions or just want to know more about what Nexmo is up to related to GDPR, please check out our GDPR landing page. Here you will find our updated data processing agreement, privacy policy, and webinar recordings.

Additionally, our data retention policy can be found here.

As always, thank you for reading and for being a customer of Nexmo.

Guillermo Quintero Product Leader - Auth & Identity

Guillermo supports the team focused on Authentication & Identity solutions for Vonage’s API customers. He is responsible for leveraging new technologies to help combat fraud in an increasingly digital economy. He is a die-hard Chelsea Football fan and endurance sports junkie, often following professional bike races and planning the next trail adventure.

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