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The Benefits of CPaaS Let Businesses Customize Communications

This article was published on August 9, 2021

For the average device-toting consumer, communicating through numerous channels is second nature. It’s the businesses they engage with that have struggled to keep pace. Pulling out a smartphone and firing off a complaint or request is simple; finding ways to tailor the resulting communication to the context is a different story—and it’s one that’s only grown more complex as consumer preferences evolve.

Because every company needs to communicate with its customers differently, the need for a highly scalable and customizable collection of communications capabilities that integrate with the organization’s apps, products, and services is clear. Enter CPaaS (communications platform-as-a-service).

Perhaps more enticing, CPaaS gives businesses global reach, with functions that simplify the arduous task of maintaining communication services in foreign countries. These factors, along with several others, make CPaaS a compelling choice for businesses everywhere—regardless of the ways they communicate with their customers.

Power, Flexibility, and Utility: The Benefits of CPaaS

Businesses today can apply significant thought and innovation into every customer interaction across their communication channels. From cloud-based contact center services to chatbots and IVR systems that automate responses to common customer inquiries, CPaaS enables all these use cases.

Before CPaaS, businesses of all sizes were stuck with a finite number of off-the-shelf solutions. For instance, an enterprise company may have been able to offer a slightly more advanced IVR than a midsized regional one, but they both ultimately had to use an automated system for routing calls.

At the same time, the concept of omnichannel communications amounted to a piecemeal approach where different personnel were dedicated to different communication channels. Chat- and phone-support specialists for example had their own branches of customer relationship management (CRM) platforms, making communications feel like a series of unrelated standalone conversations.

With the introduction of programmable communications such as voice, text, and video, CPaaS made it easy to build that suits the company’s product, brand message, and customer needs. Companies develop precisely the tools they need, using powerful APIs to elevate the product’s features and deploying them across the vendor’s back-end architecture.

Another benefit is that an organization doesn’t need to be a multinational enterprise to make great use of CPaaS. If anything, the technology has grown as quickly as it has because it can fit in so many unique spaces, regardless of the size of the business. Appointment reminders, two-factor authentication, in-browser chat or call support, and delivery confirmation are just a few more examples of its flexibility and power, with organizations finding new and creative ways to mold it to their needs.

Global Reach at Any Size

CPaaS is often discussed in terms of its front-end impact, and rightly so. However, the cloud-based technology’s infrastructural strengths can also add a measure of polish to the overall experience. For companies wishing to express a global presence, the technology can enable capabilities that otherwise would be needlessly complex or cost-prohibitive. This is thanks in large part to vendor communication networks and the simplifying presence of cloud technology.

Here, the CPaaS vendor’s relationship with global communication carriers can make or break the success of an initiative. For individual companies, managing multiple carriers at the domestic level can be frustrating enough. Building apps that interface with players on the global market can be downright prohibitive, with language barriers, currency conversions, and regional laws and regulations all representing potential roadblocks—and massive ones at that. A company could ostensibly hire the personnel needed to manage these matters on their own, but this may not be viable for a relatively small feature in the organization’s overall slate of offerings.

Thus, using a cloud-based CPaaS vendor as a middleman makes perfect sense for a company in need of an elevated global presence. With the right relationships at their disposal, even a small business can build a tool that works the same way anywhere in the world, with the vendor handling the intricacies of account management and regulatory compliance. No need to install hardware or enter individual agreements in every country they do business in, let alone consult experts regarding each region’s telecom laws.

In all, this simplified global reach is another testament to the power of cloud technology. Compared to building a global app from the ground up, a worthwhile CPaaS solution makes every aspect of the build-and-deploy process a simpler, less expensive affair. That’s a major improvement for companies, who can offer better products and push them to an international market faster using CPaaS. And it’s great for customers, who get to enjoy the organization’s efforts that much sooner.

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